How Many Calories our body need per day


How many Calories Our body need per day?


How many Calories our body need per day for losing Weight?

When most of people think about calories, they think how fattening a food is but we know that calories are used to measure the amount of energy in foods and beverages. The type and amount of food which we eat determines the amount of calories we consume, so for many people the amount of calories in their food is the deciding factor for their weight-loss diet for choosing what to eat and what to leave.


Here also make a difference on two points such as “How” and “when” to eat because our body needs the amount of energy differently throughout the day. The average amount of calories use in our body depends on various factors including weight, height, age, activity level, health and several other factors.


If we regularly take more energy than our body requirement, we will gain weight but If we take less amount of energy, we will lose weight, and eventually lose muscle mass. If we want to lose weight then we have to eat fewer calories as compare to those which our body burns each day. In this article we are trying to give information about calories, so here are two main definitions which are used to define calorie.


First Definition: It is the amount of heat which is used to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

2nd Definition:  On the basis of nutritional content calorie is a unit of energy which comes from different sources such as coal, gas and all types of food-whether they are protein, fats, sugar or carbohydrate, all of these are the important sources of energy which is needed by every person to live and work properly.

The term calorie comes from Latin word.

Jennifer McDaniel, a nutritionist dietitian in Clayton says that each part in our body such as brain, muscle or other cells in our body requires energy to work properly in optimal state.


Missouri,  a spoke person of the “Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics” says that, our body and brain need the right amount of energy (calories) to work and grow properly, if we don’t get enough of those nutrients (calories) It will  create a negative consequences in our body parts.


The term calorie comes from Latin word ‘calor’ means heat and Nicolas Clement was the first person who introduced the word calorie as a unit of heat energy during his lectures in 1819-1824. This term then entered in the English and French dictionaries between 1841 and 1867.

Facts on Calories Intake and Their uses

Facts on Calories Intake and Their uses.

1. If we eat healthy breakfast it help us with weight reduction and maintenance.

2. The brain uses 20% of  energy in human body.

3. The daily calorie intake depends on size, age, height, lifestyle and overall health.

4. The 500 calorie meal consist of fruits and vegetables keeps you feeling full for longer as compared to 500 calorie snack of pop.

Calories Intake for Men
Calories Intake for Men

Young man need high amount of energy in the age of 19-25 and require 2,800 calories for maintaining weight, if he is active man then he requires 3,000 calories per day. For losing 0.45 kg weight per week they need to consume 2,300-2,500 calories per day. Different experiments and studies show that the need of energy decreases with increasing age that’s why the difference in calorie intake occurs.


The moderately active man needs 2,600 calories per day for maintaining his weight in the ages of 25-45 and 2,100 calories per day to lose 0.45 kg weight per week.

While active man requires 2,800-3,000 calories per day who walks 3-4 miles per day for maintaining their weight and 2,300-2,500 calories per day to lose 0.45 kg weight per week.


Calories Intake for women:

Calories Intake for women.
Young women in the age of 20s need high amount of energy and require 2,200 calories per day for maintaining weight. If she is over age 50s active women then she requires 1,800 calories per day. For losing 0.45 kg weight per week they need to consume 1,300 calories per day. All of these estimates do not apply on those women who are breastfeeding or pregnant because they need high amount of calories during these conditions.

The moderately active women need 2,000 calories per day in the ages of 25-50 for maintaining her weight and 1,500 calories per day for losing 0.45 kg weight per week.


While active women who walks 3-4 miles per day requires 2,200 calories per day for maintaining their weight and at least 1,700 calories per day to lose 0.45 kg weight per week.


Calories Intake for Children:

Calories Intake for Children

The calorie intake in children are hard to calculate because the normally growing and developing children who are engaged in the regular physical activates do not require to count their calories because they eat such amount of food which their body requires.


Children need calories according to their size, age, and activity level because the average toddler needs 1200-1400 calorie per day,2,000-2,800 calories are needed by moderately active teenager per day because they requires more energy.


How to Reduce Calories Intake Properly

We know that calories are a measure of energy if we want to lose weight we use more calories than to consume but if we want to gain weight then we need to consume more calories as compared to those which we expend.


We know that cutting calories is not a sustainable way to lose weight without considering which food you eat because choosing nutrient dense food gives significant health benefits as compared to nutrient-poor food.

We also know that different food have different effects on the body, that’s why not only the calorie intake ensures a healthy diet. For this reason we recommend to make some changes which help us to maintain a calorie deficit in long term without feeling starved, thus following recommended parameter for eating perfect food and evidence-based which helps the people to lose weight are as follows.


Eat More Protein:

Protein and Protein Intake

When we want to lose weight then we have to increase the protein intake because protein is the king of all nutrients. Adding protein in diet is an effective and simple way to lose weight with small effort because protein increases the metabolic rate and helps to curb appetite.

Studies show that high protein diet help in burning the calories during metabolisms and it burns almost 80–100 calories per day. Protein help us to stay fuller longer throughout the day because  people who ate 30% of calories from protein required to ate 441 fewer calories per day it help us in craving fight.

Protein not only helps us in losing weight but it also  reduce weight regain. A study on protein show that if we consume 25% of daily calories from protein it reduces 60% of obsessive thoughts about food and it reduces 50% of the desire to snack at night.

Avoid Soft Drinks and Sugary Fruit Juices

Why to avoid Soft Drinks and Sugary Fruit Juices?

It is an easy change to eliminate liquid sugar calories from diet because it includes chocolate milk, sodas, and other beverages with added liquid sugar.

Studies show that our brain only register solid calories, it doesn’t register a liquid calorie that’s why drinking sugary liquid doesn’t make our brain automatically compensate and thus it is linked to an increased risk of obesity and also have a negative effect on the metabolic health by increasing the risk of many diseases.


Drink More Water

Can Drinking More Water help in weight loss?

A simple trick for losing weight is to drink more water because it increases the number of calories you burn for up to 90 minutes. Studies show that drinking 2 liter of water make you burn about 96 more calories but the timing is important point to drink water for weight lose purpose.

Drinking water before meal help us in reducing hunger and make us eat fewer calories. Studies show that drinking 0.5 liter of water, especially before meal, lose 44% more weight When combined with a healthy diet such as coffee and green tea boost metabolism and help us in losing weight because it appears to be helpful if you need to lose weight.


Lifting Weights and Exercise

How important is Lifting Weights and Exercise for weightloss?

Whenever we are trying to lose weight it’s important for us to maintain and strengthen the muscles because when we eat fewer calories our body compensates by saving energy, enable us to burn fewer calories, this in turns lead us to loss of muscle mass and reduction in metabolisms because muscle is metabolically active.

The long term calorie restriction significantly reduces the metabolism thus the only strategy from preventing such effects is to exert muscles in lifting weights and doing exercises. By doing so, it prevent us from muscles loss and stop slowing down our metabolisms during long term calories restriction.

If you have no time for going to gym then simply do pushups, squats, and sit-ups, at home or do some cardio such as, swimming, walking, or jogging for general well-being.


How our body use energy for burning calories

Human body needs energy for working, walking, eating as a whole we can say that our body needs energy for remaining alive. We get this energy from food we eat, from water we drink and use it in different parts of our body such as:

We already discuss that 20% of the energy is used by our brain and the rest is used by the basal metabolisms, such as the energy we need in state of resting, blood circulation, digestion and breathing.


Our body needs more energy in cold environment for maintaining constant body temperature because our metabolism increase and produce more heat as compared to warm environment where we need less energy.


Some of the energy is used by the skeletal muscle for maintaining posture and movement while some amount is used during the cellular respiration in the metabolic process. In this process cell get their energy from the reaction of oxygen with glucose for producing carbon dioxide, water, and energy. In other words we can say that the need of calories in our body is used to fuel the body functions.


Here are the lists of some activities which help us in burning calories and this list is made on that person having weight at least 125 pounds.



Calories burned

Walking 4-5 miles an hour


Computer work


Aqua aerobics


Lifting weights


General swimming




Running 5 miles an hour


Casual dancing 30 minutes



How to Check the Basal Metabolic Rate

How to Check the Basal Metabolic Rate?

Here is the best formula to know about the daily needs of calories in the body by applying the useful way of estimating BMR is the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation:

If you want to calculate your BMR automatically then enter your details into the calculator.  

BMR Calculator

What is your activity factor?

After calculating the BMR, the next step is to calculate the calorie intake with the help of activity factor but this result is still not the perfect and exact result because a muscular person needs more calories even when it is in resting position.

This is a rough idea which supports you to know about the daily intake of calorie but not calculate the exact ratio but gives the nearest value of your body weight where it is. Here first you have to calculate the BMR value then multiply the result with the activity factor such as:

Active Lifestyle: When you do six to seven time intensive exercises per week, your daily calorie requirements is BMR x 1.725.


Very Active Lifestyle: When you do very intensive exercise twice a day, along with extra heavy workouts, your daily calorie requirement is BMR x 1.9.


Moderately Active Lifestyle: When you do exercise three to five times in a week  in moderate range then, your daily calorie requirement is BMR x 1.55.


Slightly Active Lifestyle:  When you do less exercise one to three times a week, your daily calorie requirement is BMR x 1.375.

Sedentary lifestyle: When you do light or even no exercise at all, your daily calorie requirement is BMR x 1.2.


How to check your BMI at Home

How to check your BMI at Home?

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